新建 [Blogroot]\themes\butterfly\layout\includes\gitcalendar.pug:

#gitmessage(:style='{top:y+px,left:x+px,position: fixed,zIndex:9999}')
span {{span1}}  
span {{span2}} 次上传
canvas#gitcanvas(style='animation: none;')
svg.js-gitcalendar-graph-svg(width='100%', viewBox='0 0 770 128', v-if='!simplemode')
text.month(:x='32 + monthindex*64', y='20', v-for='(month,monthindex) in monthchange') {{month}}
text.wday(text-anchor='start', dx='0', dy='40') 日
text.wday(text-anchor='start', dx='0', dy='65') 二
text.wday(text-anchor='start', dx='0', dy='90') 四
text.wday(text-anchor='start', dx='0', dy='115') 六
g(v-for='(weekitem,weekIndex) in data', :transform='\'translate(\'+ (16 + weekIndex*14) + \',\' + \'0)\'')
rect(@mouseover="selectStyle(dayitem,$event)" @mouseleave="outStyle()" v-for='(dayitem,dayIndex) in weekitem', :style='{fill:thiscolor(dayitem.count),shapeRendering:crispedges}', :data-score='dayitem.count', :data-date='dayitem.date', x='0', :y=' 30 + dayIndex*13 ', width='11', height='11')
| 数据来源
a(:href="'https://github.com/'+ user ", target='blank') @{{user}}
| Less

| More

span.text-muted 过去一年提交
span.contrib-number {{total}}
span.text-muted {{oneyearbeforeday}} - {{thisday}}
span.text-muted 最近一月提交
span.contrib-number {{thisweekdatacore}}
span.text-muted {{amonthago}} - {{thisday}}
span.text-muted 最近一周提交
span.contrib-number {{weekdatacore}}
span.text-muted {{aweekago}} - {{thisday}}

新建 [Blogroot]\themes\butterfly\layout\includes\gitcalendar-js.pug:

var gitcalendar = new Vue({
el: '#gitcalendar',
data: {
simplemode: !{theme.gitcalendar.simplemode},
user: '!{theme.gitcalendar.user}',
fixed: 'fixed',
px: 'px',
x: '',
y: '',
span1: '',
span2: '',
month: ['一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'],
monthchange: [],
oneyearbeforeday: '',
thisday: '',
amonthago: '',
aweekago: '',
weekdatacore: 0,
datacore: 0,
total: 0,
datadate: '',
data: [],
positionplusdata: [],
firstweek: [],
lastweek: [],
beforeweek: [],
thisweekdatacore: 0,
mounthbeforeday: 0,
mounthfirstindex: 0,
crispedges: 'crispedges',
thisdayindex: 0,
amonthagoindex: 0,
amonthagoweek: [],
firstdate: [],
first2date: [],
montharrbefore: [],
monthindex: 0,
color: !{theme.gitcalendar.color}
methods: {
selectStyle(data, event) {
document.querySelector('.angle-wrapper').style.display = 'block'
this.span1 = data.date;
this.span2 = data.count;
this.x = event.clientX - 100;
this.y = event.clientY - 60
outStyle() {
document.querySelector('.angle-wrapper').style.display = 'none'
thiscolor(x) {
if (x === 0) {
let i = parseInt(x / 2);
return this.color[0]
} else if (x < 2) {
return this.color[1]
} else if (x < 20) {
let i = parseInt(x / 2);
return this.color[i]
} else {
return this.color[9]
var githubapiurl = "https://python-github-calendar-api.vercel.app/api?" + gitcalendar.user;
function responsiveChart() {
let c = document.getElementById("gitcanvas");
if (c) {
let cmessage = document.getElementById("gitmessage");
let ctx = c.getContext("2d");
c.width = document.getElementById("gitcalendarcanvasbox").offsetWidth;
let linemaxwitdh = 0.96 * c.width / gitcalendar.data.length;
c.height = 9 * linemaxwitdh;
let lineminwitdh = 0.8 * linemaxwitdh;
let setposition = {
x: 0.02 * c.width,
y: 0.025 * c.width
for (let week in gitcalendar.data) {
weekdata = gitcalendar.data[week];
for (let day in weekdata) {
let dataitem = {
date: "",
count: "",
x: 0,
y: 0
ctx.fillStyle = gitcalendar.thiscolor(weekdata[day].count);
setposition.y = Math.round(setposition.y * 100) / 100;
dataitem.date = weekdata[day].date;
dataitem.count = weekdata[day].count;
dataitem.x = setposition.x;
dataitem.y = setposition.y;
ctx.fillRect(setposition.x, setposition.y, lineminwitdh, lineminwitdh);
setposition.y = setposition.y + linemaxwitdh
setposition.y = 0.025 * c.width;
setposition.x = setposition.x + linemaxwitdh
ctx.font = "600 Arial";
ctx.fillStyle = '#aaa';
ctx.fillText("日", 0, 1.9 * linemaxwitdh);
ctx.fillText("二", 0, 3.9 * linemaxwitdh);
ctx.fillText("四", 0, 5.9 * linemaxwitdh);
ctx.fillText("六", 0, 7.9 * linemaxwitdh);
let monthindexlist = c.width / 24;
for (let index in gitcalendar.monthchange) {
ctx.fillText(gitcalendar.monthchange[index], monthindexlist, 0.7 * linemaxwitdh);
monthindexlist = monthindexlist + c.width / 12
cmessage.onmousemove = function(event) {
document.querySelector('.angle-wrapper').style.display = 'none'
c.onmousemove = function(event) {
document.querySelector('.angle-wrapper').style.display = 'none'
getMousePos(c, event);

function getMousePos(canvas, event) {
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = event.clientX - rect.left * (canvas.width / rect.width);
var y = event.clientY - rect.top * (canvas.height / rect.height);
for (let item of gitcalendar.positionplusdata) {
let lenthx = x - item.x;
let lenthy = y - item.y;
if (0 < lenthx && lenthx < lineminwitdh) {
if (0 < lenthy && lenthy < lineminwitdh) {
document.querySelector('.angle-wrapper').style.display = 'block'
gitcalendar.span1 = item.date;
gitcalendar.span2 = item.count;
gitcalendar.x = event.clientX - 100;
gitcalendar.y = event.clientY - 60
//if(0< x - item.x <lineminwitdh&&0< y - item.y <lineminwitdh){
function addlastmonth() {
if (gitcalendar.thisdayindex === 0) {
gitcalendar.thisweekdatacore += gitcalendar.firstdate[6].count;
gitcalendar.amonthago = gitcalendar.firstdate[6].date
} else {
gitcalendar.amonthago = gitcalendar.first2date[gitcalendar.thisdayindex - 1].date

function thisweek2core() {
for (let i = gitcalendar.thisdayindex - 1; i < gitcalendar.first2date.length; i++) {
gitcalendar.thisweekdatacore += gitcalendar.first2date[i].count

function thisweekcore(index) {
for (let item of gitcalendar.data[index]) {
gitcalendar.thisweekdatacore += item.count

function addlastweek() {
for (let item of gitcalendar.lastweek) {
gitcalendar.weekdatacore += item.count

function addbeforeweek() {
for (let i = gitcalendar.thisdayindex; i < gitcalendar.beforeweek.length; i++) {
gitcalendar.weekdatacore += gitcalendar.beforeweek[i].count

function addweek(data) {
if (gitcalendar.thisdayindex === 6) {
gitcalendar.aweekago = gitcalendar.lastweek[0].date;
} else {
lastweek = data.contributions[51];
gitcalendar.aweekago = lastweek[gitcalendar.thisdayindex + 1].date;

.then(data => data.json())
.then(data => {
gitcalendar.data = data.contributions;
gitcalendar.total = data.total;
gitcalendar.first2date = gitcalendar.data[48];
gitcalendar.firstdate = gitcalendar.data[47];
gitcalendar.firstweek = data.contributions[0];
gitcalendar.lastweek = data.contributions[52];
gitcalendar.beforeweek = data.contributions[51];
gitcalendar.thisdayindex = gitcalendar.lastweek.length - 1;
gitcalendar.thisday = gitcalendar.lastweek[gitcalendar.thisdayindex].date;
gitcalendar.oneyearbeforeday = gitcalendar.firstweek[0].date;
gitcalendar.monthindex = gitcalendar.thisday.substring(5, 7) * 1;
gitcalendar.montharrbefore = gitcalendar.month.splice(gitcalendar.monthindex, 12 - gitcalendar.monthindex);
gitcalendar.monthchange = gitcalendar.montharrbefore.concat(gitcalendar.month);
.catch(function(error) {

if (document.getElementById("gitcalendarcanvasbox").offsetWidth < 500) {
gitcalendar.simplemode = false

window.onresize = function() {
if (gitcalendar.simplemode) responsiveChart()

window.onscroll = function() {
if (document.querySelector('.angle-wrapper')) {
document.querySelector('.angle-wrapper').style.display = 'none'

新建 [Blogroot]\themes\butterfly\source\css_layout\gitcalendar.styl:

if hexo-config('gitcalendar.enable')
font-family SourceHanSans-Medium
border 1px solid #DDDDDD
border-radius 3px
min-height 120px
text-align center
margin 0 auto
border-width 0px
width 100%
display flex
display -webkit-flex
justify-content center
align-items center
flex-wrap wrap
width 70px
margin-top 50px
min-height 70px

.gitcalendar-graph text.wday,
.gitcalendar-graph text.month
font-size 10px
fill #aaa

text-align right
padding 0 14px 10px 0
display inline-block
float right
display inline-block
list-style none
margin 0 5px
position relative
bottom -1px
padding 0
display inline-block
width 10px
height 10px

font-size 12px
color #767676

padding 15px 0 0
text-align center

text-align center
border-left 1px solid #ddd
border-top 1px solid #ddd
font-size 11px

border-left 0

padding 10px
display table-cell
width 33%
vertical-align top

font-weight 300
line-height 1.3em
font-size 24px
display block

text-align center
color #000
font-family monospace
color #1D75AB
text-decoration none

font-size 11px
padding 0 10px 12px
text-align left
width 100%
box-sizing border-box
height 26px

float left
margin-left 9px
color #767676
color #4078c0
text-decoration none

.left.text-muted a:hover,
.monospace a:hover
text-decoration underline

display none

float left

display none

white-space nowrap
position absolute
z-index 99999
padding 10px
font-size 12px
color #959da5
text-align center
background rgba(0,0,0,.85)
border-radius 3px
display none
pointer-events none
color #dfe2e5
display block
position absolute
bottom -10px
left 50%
width 5px
height 5px
box-sizing border-box
margin 0 0 0 -5px
content " "
border 5px solid transparent
border-top-color rgba(0,0,0,.85)

width 100%
padding-left 20px
padding-right 20px

@media screen and (max-width: 650px)
display none

z-index 9999
display inline
display none
width 200px
height 40px
position relative
padding 5px 0
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
border-radius 8px
text-align center
color white
padding-bottom 1em
content ''
width 0
height 0
border 10px solid transparent
border-top-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
position absolute
left 47.5%
top 100%

position fixed
padding 10px

修改 [Blogroot]\themes\butterfly\layout\index.pug, 引入 gitcalendar 结构:

extends includes/layout.pug

block content
include ./includes/mixins/post-ui.pug
if theme.gitcalendar.enable
!=partial('includes/gitcalendar', {}, {cache:theme.fragment_cache})
include includes/pagination.pug

修改 [Blogroot]\themes\butterfly\layout\includes\additional-js.pug, 引入 vue 依赖和 gitcalendar 脚本,这里为了保证依赖顺序,必须把 vue 放在 gitcalendar-js 之前。同时这里为了便于适配 pjax 重载,需要把 gitcalendar-js.pug 放到 js-pjax 下。

vue 引入项配置(butterfly_v3.4.0+ 版本没有 jquery 这行,无需在意):

+ script(src=url_for(theme.CDN.vue))

gitcalendar-js 引入项配置:

if theme.subtitle.enable && is_home() && theme.index_img !== false
include ./third-party/subtitle.pug

include ./third-party/math/index.pug

if commentsJsLoad
include ./third-party/comments/js.pug

if theme.busuanzi.site_uv || theme.busuanzi.site_pv || theme.busuanzi.page_pv
script(defer src=url_for(theme.CDN.busuanzi))
+ if theme.gitcalendar.enable
+ !=partial('includes/gitcalendar-js', {}, {cache:theme.fragment_cache})

修改 [Blogroot]_config.butterfly.yml 添加 gitcalendar 配置项和 vue 的 CDN 链接:

添加 gitcalendar 配置项:

enable: true
simplemode: false
user: Akilarlxh #这里填写你的github用户名
apiurl: github-calendar-api.vercel.app
# 以下色调选择喜欢的一行保留即可。其余注释。
color: "['#e4dfd7', '#f9f4dc', '#f7e8aa', '#f7e8aa', '#f8df72', '#fcd217', '#fcc515', '#f28e16', '#fb8b05', '#d85916', '#f43e06']" #橘黄色调
# color: "['#ebedf0', '#fdcdec', '#fc9bd9', '#fa6ac5', '#f838b2', '#f5089f', '#c4067e', '#92055e', '#540336', '#48022f', '#30021f']" #浅紫色调
# color: "['#ebedf0', '#f0fff4', '#dcffe4', '#bef5cb', '#85e89d', '#34d058', '#28a745', '#22863a', '#176f2c', '#165c26', '#144620']" #翠绿色调
# color: "['#ebedf0', '#f1f8ff', '#dbedff', '#c8e1ff', '#79b8ff', '#2188ff', '#0366d6', '#005cc5', '#044289', '#032f62', '#05264c']" #天青色调

添加 vue 的 CDN 链接

  # CDN
# Don't modify the following settings unless you know how they work
# 非必要請不要修改
# main
main_css: /css/index.css
jquery: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@latest/dist/jquery.min.js
main: /js/main.js
utils: /js/utils.js
# custom
+ vue: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2.6.11 # Veu.js依赖
  1. hexo clean && hexo g && hexo s 即可查看预览。

转载自 Akilar https://akilar.top/posts/1f9c68c9/